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  1. Barrio, M.C.G., Barrio, J., Walker, G.C., Novelli, A., and Leonard, N.J.  2,4,6-Trisubstituted Pyridines.  Synthesis, Fluorescence, and Scintillator Properties, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 95:4891-4895 (1973).
  2. Arter, D.B., Walker, G.C., Uhlenbeck, O.C., and Schmidt, P.G.  PMR of the Self-Complementary Oligoribonucleotide CpCpGpG, Biochem. Biophys. Commun. 61:1089-1094 (1974).
  3. Walker, G.C., Leonard, N.J., Armstrong, D.J., Murai, N., and Skoog, F.  The Mode of Incorporation of 6-Benzylaminopurine into Tobacco Callus Ribonucleic Acid, Plant Physiol., 54:737-743 (1974).
  4. Schmitz, R.Y., Skoog, F., Vincze, A., Walker, G.C., Kirkegaard, L.H. and Leonard, N.J. Comparison of the Cytokinin Activities of the Base, Ribonucleoside, and 5′- and Cyclic-3′, 5′ Monophosphate Ribonucleotides of N(6)-Isopentenyl-, N(6)-Benzyl-, or 8-Bromoadenine.  Phytochemistry, 14:1479-1484 (1975).
  5. Walker, G.C. and Uhlenbeck, O.C. Stepwise Enzymatic Oligoribonucleotide Synthesis Including Modified Nucleotides, Biochemistry, 14:817-824 (1975).
  6. Walker, G.C., Uhlenbeck, O.C., Bedows, E. and Gumport, R.I.  T4-Induced RNA Ligase Joins Single-Stranded Oligoribonucleotides Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 72:122-126 (1975).
  7. Walker, G.C.  Plasmid (pKM101)-Mediated Enhancement of Repair and Mutagenesis:  Dependence on Chromosomal Genes in Escherichia coli K-12, Molec. Gen. Genet. 152:93-103 (1977).
  8. Lackey, D., Walker, G.C., Keng, T. and Linn, S.  Characterization of an Endonuclease Associated with the Drug Resistance Plasmid, pKM101.  J. Bacteriol. 131:583-588 (1977).
  9. Walker, G.C.  Keynote Address.  Gulf Coast Molecular Biology Conference.  Plasmid-Mediated Enhancement of Mutagenesis.    Texas J. Science, Special Publication 3:3-26 (1977).
  10. Walker, G.C.  Isolation and Characterization of Mutants of the Plasmid pKM101 Deficient in their Ability to Enhance Mutagenesis and Repair.  J. Bacteriol. 133:1203-1211 (1978).
  11. Walker, G.C. Inducible Reactivation and Mutagenesis of UV-Irradiated Bacteriophage P22 in Salmonella typhimurium LT2 Containing the Plasmid pKM101. J. Bacteriol. 135:415-421 (1978).
  12. Walker, G.C.  Lack of Effect on Recombination of Mutagenesis-Enhancing Plasmids in Escherichia coli K-12 and Salmonella typhimurium LT2. J. Gen. Microbiol.  108:321-323 (1978).
  13. Walker, G.C.  Mutagenesis-and Repair-Enhancing Activities Associated with the Plasmid pKM101.  Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Bio., 43:893-896 (1979).
  14. Fujii, T., Walker, G.C., Leonard, N.J., Delong, D.C., and Gerzon, K.  3-Substituted Adenines.  In vitro Enzyme Inhibition and Antiviral Activity. J. Med. Chem. 22:125-129 (1979).
  15. Kronish, J.W. and Walker, G.C.  The Effects of the Ultraviolet Protecting Plasmids pKM101 and R205 on DNA Polymerase I Activity in Escherichia coli K-12. Mutat. Res.  60:135-142 (1979).
  16. Walker, G.C.  Theory and Design of Short-term Bacterial Tests for Mutagenesis.  In “Assessing Chemical Mutagens:  The Risk to Humans,  “First Banbury Report”, V.K. McElheny and S. Abrahamson (Eds.), pp. 63-80.  Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. (1979).
  17. Walker, G.C. and Dobson, P.P.  Mutagenesis and Repair Deficiencies of Escherichia coli umuC Mutants are Suppressed by the Plasmid pKM101.  Molec. Gen. Genet., 172:17-24 (1979).
  18. Dobson, P.P. and Walker, G.C.  Plasmid (pKM101)-Mediated Weigle Reactivation in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium LT2:  Genetic Dependence, Kinetics of Induction, and Effect of Chloramphenicol. Mutation Research, 71: 25-41 (1980).
  19. Kenyon, C.J. and Walker, G.C.  DNA-Damaging Agents Stimulate Gene Expression at Specific Loci in Escherichia coli. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 77: 2819-2823 (1980).
  20. Shanabruch, W.G. and Walker, G.C.  Localization of the pKM101 Gene(s) Involved in recA+lexA+-Dependent Mutagenesis.  Molec. Gen. Genet., 179:289-297 (1980).
  21. Kenyon, C.J. and Walker, G.C.  Expression of the Escherichia coli uvrA Gene is Inducible.  Nature, 289:808-810 (1981).
  22. Langer, P.J. and Walker, G.C.  Restriction Endonuclease Cleavage Map of pKM101:  Relationship to Parent Plasmid R46.  Molec. Gen. Genet., 182:268-272 (1981).
  23. Langer, P.J., Shanabruch, W.G., and Walker, G.C.  Functional Organization of the Plasmid pKM101.  J. Bacteriol., 145:1310-1316 (1981).
  24. Shanabruch, W.G., Behlau, I., and Walker, G.C.  Spontaneous Mutators of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 Generated by Insertion of Transposable Elements.  J. Bacteriol., 147:827-835 (1981).
  25. Bagg, A., Kenyon, C.J. and Walker, G. C.  Inducibility of a Gene Product Required for UV and Chemical Mutagenesis in Escherichia coli.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 78: 5449-5753 (1981).
  26. Walker, G.C., Kenyon, C.J. Bagg, A., Langer, P.J., and Shanabruch, W.G.  Mutagenesis and Cellular Responses to DNA Damage. J. Nat. Cancer Instit. Monograph, 257-267 (1982).
  27. Walker, G.C., Kenyon, C.J., Bagg, A., Elledge, S.J., Perry, K.L. and Shanabruch, W.G.  Regulation and Function of Escherichia coli Genes Induced by DNA Damage.  In “Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis”, Eds. J.F. Lemontt and W.M. Generoso, pp. 43-63, Plenum Press, New York (1982).
  28. Walker, G.C., Elledge, S.J., Perry, K.L., Bagg, A., and Kenyon, C.J.  Regulation and Function of Cellular Gene Products Involved in UV and Chemical Mutagenesis in E. coli. In “Induced Mutagenesis:  Molecular Mechanisms and Their Implications for Environmental Protection” Eds. C.W. Lawrence, pp 181-198, Plenum Press, New York, 1982.
  29. Kenyon, C.J., Brent, R., Ptashne, M. and Walker, G.C.  The Regulation of Damage-inducible Genes in Escherichia coli, J. Mol. Biol., 160:445-457 (1982).
  30. Mulligan, J.T., Margolin, W., Krueger, J.H., and Walker, G.C.  Mutations Affecting the Regulation of Methionine Biosynthetic Genes Isolated By the Use of met-lac Fusions.  J. Bacteriol., 151: 609-619 (1982).
  31. Perry, K.L., Elledge, S.J., Lichtman, M.R., and Walker, G.C.  Plasmid-Mediated Enhancement of Mutagenesis. In “Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens (Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Mutagens).  Eds. T. Sugimura, S. Kondo, and H. Takebe, pp. 113-120. University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, and Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 1982.
  32. Walker, G.C.  Molecular Principles Underlying the Ames Salmonella/Microsome Test:  Elements and Design of Short Term Mutagenesis Test.  In: In vitro Toxicity Testing of Enviromental Agents: Current and Future Possibilities, Part A., Eds. A.R. Kolber and T.K. Wong, L.D. Grant, R.S. DeWoskin and T.J. Huges.  pp. 15-40, Plenum Press, New York, 1982.
  33. Walker, G.C., Elledge, S.J., Kenyon, C.J., Krueger, J.H., and Perry, K.L.  Mutagenesis and Other Responses Induced by DNA Damage in Escherichia coli. Biochimie, 64:607-610 (1982).
  34. Perry, K.L. and Walker, G.C.  Identification of Plasmid (pKM101)-coded Proteins Involved in Mutagenesis and UV-resistance, Nature, 300:278-281 (1982).
  35. Shanabruch, W.G., Rein, R.P., Behlau, I., and Walker, G.C.  Mutagenesis by Methylating and Ethylating agents in mutH, L, S and uvrD Mutants of Salmonella typhimurium LT2. J. Bacteriol. 153:33-44 (1983).
  36. Krueger, J. and Walker, G.C. Mud(Ap, lac)-Generated Fusions in Studies of Gene Expression.  Methods in Enzymology 100(PartB):501-509 (1983).
  37. Elledge, S.H. and Walker, G.C.  Proteins Required for UV and Chemical Mutagenesis: Identification of the Products of the umuC Locus of Escherichia coli J. Mol. Biol., 164: 175-192 (1983).
  38. Walker, G.C.  Genetic Strategies in Strain Design for Fermentations.  In “The Biological Basis of New Developments in Biotechnology” Eds. A. Hollaender, A.I. Laskin, and P. Rogers, pp349-376, Plenum Press, New York 1983.
  39. Pang, P.P. and Walker, G.C. Identification of the uvrD Product of Salmonella typhimurium LT2. J. Bacteriol. 153:1172-1125 (1983).
  40. Krueger, J.H., Elledge, S.J. and Walker, G.C.  Isolation and Characterization of Tn5 Insertion Mutations in the lexA Gene of Escherichia coli J. Bacteriol., 153:1368-1378 (1983).
  41. Winans, S.C. and Walker, G.C.  Genetic Localization and Characterization of a pKM101-encoded Endonuclease, J. Bacteriol., 154:1117-1125 (1983).
  42. Pang, P.P. and Walker, G.C.  The Salmonella typhimurium LT2 uvrD Gene is Regulated by the lexA Gene Product, J. Bacteriol. Walker, G.C. 154:1502-1504 (1983).
  43. Elledge, S.J. and Walker, G.C.  The muc Genes of pKM101 are Induced by DNA Damage, J. Bacteriol.  155:1306-1315 (1983).
  44. Elledge, S.J., Perry, K.L., Krueger, J.H., Mitchell, B.B., and Walker, G.C.  Cellular Components Required for Mutagenesis.  In “Cellular Responses to DNA Damage” (Eds.) E.C. Friedberg and B.A. Bridges, p. 353-359, Alan R. Liss, New York, 1983.
  45. Markham, B.E., Harper, J.E., Mount, D.W., Sancar, G.B., Rupp, W.D., Kenyon, C.J., and Walker, G.C.  Analysis of mRNA Synthesis Following Induction of the E. coli SOS System. J. Mol. Biol. 177:237-248 (1984).
  46. Leigh, J.A., Finan, T.M., Johansen, E., Walker, G.C., Signer, E.R., Hirsch, A.M., Kuldau, G.A. and Deegan, S.  Exopolysaccharide-Deficient Mutants of Rhizobium meliloti which Form Ineffective Nodules – A New Symbiotic Mutant Phenotype.  2nd International Symposium on Molecular Genetics of Bacterial Plant interaction (1984).
  47. Walker, G.C.  The SOS and Adaptive Responses to DNA Damage.  In  “Molecular and Cellular Approaches to Understanding Mechanisms of Toxicity”, (Ed.) A. Tashjian, p. 28-37, Harvard University, Boston, (1984).
  48. Walker, G.C.  Mutagenesis and Inducible Responses to DNA Damage in Escherichia coli. Microbiol. Rev. 48:60-93 (1984).
  49. Krueger, J.H. and Walker, G.C. groEL and dnaK Genes of Escherichia coli are Induced by UV and Nalidixic Acid in an htpR+-Dependent Fashion.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 81:1499-1503 (1984).
  50. Yerkes, J.H., Casson, L.P., Honkanen, A.T., and Walker, G.C.  Anaerobiosis Induces the Expression of ant, a New Locus of Escherichia coli with a Role in Anaerobic Electron Transport. J. Bacteriol. 158:180-186 (1984).
  51. DeVos, G., Finan, T.M., Signer, E.R., and Walker, G.C.  Host-dependent Tn5-mediated streptomycin resistance, J. Bacteriol., 159:395-399 (1984).
  52. Finan, T.M., Hartweig, E., LeMieI, K., Bergman, K., Walker, G.C., and Signer, E.R.  Generalized Transduction in Rhizobium meliloti, J. Bacteriol. 159: 120-124 (1984).
  53. Walker, G.C.  Mutagenesis Enhancement by Plasmids in Mutagenesis Tester Strains.  In “Basic and Applied Mutagenesis.”  Basic Life Sciences, Vol. 34, Eds. A. Muhammed, R.C. von Borstel, A. Hollaender, pp 111-120, Plenum Press, New York, 1985.
  54. Winans, S.C. and Walker, G.C.  The Conjugal Transfer System of the N Incompatability Group Plasmid pKM101.  J. Bacteriol.  161:402-410 (1985).
  55. Winans, S.C. and Walker, G.C.  The Entry-Exclusion Determinant(s) of the IncN Plasmid pKM101. J. Bacteriol. 161:411-416 (1985).
  56. Winans, S.C. and Walker, G.C.  Fertility Inhibition of RP1 by the IncN Plasmid pKM101. J. Bacteriol. 161:425-427 (1985).
  57. Winans, S.C. and Walker, G.C.  Identification of pKM101-Coded Loci Specifying Potentially Lethal Gene Products. J. Bacteriol. 161:417-424 (1985).
  58. LeMotte, P.K. and Walker, G.C.  Induction and Autoregulation of ada, a Positively Acting Element Controlling the Response of Escherichia coli to Methylating Agents, J. Bacteriol. 161: 888-895 (1985).
  59. Winans, S.C., Elledge, S.J., Krueger, J.H. and Walker, G.C.  Site-Directed Insertion and Deletion Mutagenesis with Cloned Fragments in Escherichia coli.  J. Bacteriol. 161:1219-1221 (1985).
  60. Pang, P.P., Tsen, S. Lundberg, A.S., and Walker, G.C.  The mutH, L, S, and uvrD genes of Salmonella typhimurium LT2.  Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quantit. Biol., 49:597-602 (1985).
  61. Marsh, L. and Walker, G.C.  Cold Sensitivity Induced by Overproduction of UmuDC in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 162:155-161 (1985).
  62. Yoshihama, M., Higashio, K., Rao, K. Akedo, M., Shanabruch, W., Follettie, M., Walker, G. and Sinskey, A.  A Cloning Vector System for Corynebacterium glutamicum.  J. Bacteriol.  162: 591-597 (1985).
  63. Perry, K.L., Elledge, S.J., Mitchell, B.B., Marsh, L. and Walker, G.C.  umuDC and mucAB Operons Whose Products are Required for UV Light- and Chemical-Induced Mutagenesis:  UmuD, MucA, and LexA Proteins Share Homology.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82:4331-4335 (1985).
  64. Elledge, S.J. and Walker, G.C.  Phasmid Vectors for Identification of Genes by Complementation Escherichia coli Mutants. J. Bacteriol.  162: 777-783 (1985).
  65. Walker, G.C., Marsh, L., and Dodson.  Cellular Responses to DNA damage.  Environmental Health Perspective.  62:115-117 (1985).
  66. Finan, T.M., Hirsch, A.M., Leigh, J.A., Johnasen, E. Kuldau, G.A., Deegan, S,. Walker, G.C. and Signer, E.R.  Symbiotic Mutants of Rhizobium meliloti that Uncouple Plant from Bacterial Differentiation.  Cell 40:869-877 (1985).
  67. Langer, P.J., Perry, K.L., Walker, G.C.  Complementation of a pKM101 Derivative that Decreases Resistance to UV-Killing but Increases Susceptibility to Mutagenesis.  Mutat. Res., 150:147-158 (1985).
  68. Pang, P.P., Lundberg, A.S., and Walker, G.C.  Identification and Characterization of the mutL and mutS Gene Products of Salmonella typhimurium LT2.  J. Bacteriol. 163:1007-1015 (1985).
  69. Leigh, J.A., Signer, E.R., and Walker, G.C.  Exopolysaccharide-Deficient Mutants of Rhizobium meliloti that Form Ineffective Nodules.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82:6231-6235 (1985).
  70. Walker, G.C.  Inducible DNA Repair Systems.  Ann. Rev. Biochem. 54:425-457 (1985).
  71. Walker, G.C., Marsh, L. and Dodson, L.A.  Genetic Analyses of DNA Repair:  Inference and Extrapolation, Ann. Rev. Genet. 19:103-26 (1985).
  72. Paek, K.-H, Walker, G.C.  Defect in Expression of Heat-Shock Proteins at High Temperature in xthA Mutants.  J. Bacteriol. 165:763-770 (1986).
  73. Walker, G.C.  Genetic and Recombinant DNA Strategies Based on the Use of Transposable Elements.  In “La Ingeneria Genetica y Sus Applicacones” (Ed.) Jose R. Pellon, pp51-61, Editorial Acribia, Zaragoza, Spain (1986).
  74. Marsh, L. and Walker, G.C.  Mutagenic DNA Repair in Bacteria:  The Role of UmuDC and MucAB.  In Mechanisms of DNA Damage and Repair, (Eds.) M.G. Simic, L. Grossman and A.C. Upton, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 273-280 (1986).
  75. Marsh, L., Dodson, L.A., Dykstra, C., Sobell, D., and Walker, G.C.  Genetic Analyses of the Roles of UmuDC and MucAB in Mutagenesis. Antimutagenesis and Anticarcinogenesis:  Mechanisms. (Eds.) D.M. Shankel, P.  Hartman, T. Kada, A. Hollaender, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 251-257 (1986).
  76. DeVos, G.F., Walker, G.C., and Signer, E.R.  Genetic Manipulations in Rhizobium meliloti Utilizing Two New Transposon Tn5 Derivatives. Molec. Gen. Genet. 204:485-491 (1986).
  77. Walker, G.C.  Plasmid Biology of pKM101:  Role of the mucAB Genes.  In:  Antibiotic Resistance Genes:  Ecology, Transfer, and Expression, (Eds.) S.B. Levy, R.P. Novick, pp 313-321, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1986.
  78. Paek, K.-H. and Walker, G.C.  E. coli dnaK Null Mutants are Inviable at High Temperature.  J. Bacteriol.  169:283-290 (1987).
  79. Paek, K.-H, Dykstra, C.C., Shevell, D.E., Battista, J.R., Marsh, L. and Walker, G.C.  Global Responses of Escherichia coli to DNA Damage and Stress.  In:  Phosphate Metabolism and Cellular Regulation in Microorganisms, (Eds.)  A. Torriani-Gorini, F.G. Rothman, S. Silver, A. Wright, E. Yagel.  pp. 295-299.  American Society of Microbiology, Washington, D.C. (1987).
  80. Marsh, L. and Walker, G.C.  New Phenotypes Associated with mucAB:  Alteration of MucA Sequence Homologous to LexA Cleavage Site.  J. Bacteriol.  169:1818-1823 (1987).
  81. Walker, G.C., Shevell, D.E. and Battista, J.R.  Mutagenesis and Cellular Responses to DNA Damage.  In: Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, (Eds.) M. Alacevic, D. Hranueli, Z. Toman, pp. 65-71, Pliva Press, Split, Yugoslavia, (1987).
  82. Walker, G.C.  The SOS Response of Escherichia coli.  In:  Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium:   Cellular and Molecular Biology, Part IV: (Eds.). F.C. Neidhardt, J.L. Ingraham, K.B. Low, B. Magasanik, M. Schaechter, and H.E. Umbarger, pp. 1346-1357 (1987).
  83. Leigh, J.A. and Reed, J.  Symbiotic Mutants of Rhizobium meliloti Which Produce Non-Succinylated Exopolysaccharide.  In: “Molecular Genetics of Plant Microbe Interactions”, pp. 165-168, (Eds.) D.P. Verma and N. Brisson, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, (1987).
  84. Battista, J.R., Nohmi, T. Donnelly, C.E. and Walker, G.C.  Cellular Functions Required for UV and Chemical Mutagenesis in Escherichia coli.  In:  “Radiation Research, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Radiation Research, Edinburgh, July 1987”, pp. 388-393, (Eds.) E.M. Fielden, J.F. Fowler, J.H. Hendry and D. Scott, Taylor & Francis Ltd., London (1987).
  85. Leigh, J.A., Reed, J.W., Hanks, J.F., Hirsch, A., and Walker, G.C.  Rhizobium meliloti Mutants That Fail to Succinylate Their Calcofluor-Binding Exopolysaccharide are Defective in Nodule Invasion.  Cell 51:579-587 (1987).
  86. Haber, L.T., Pang, P.P., Sobell, D.I., Mankovich, J.A. and Walker, G.C.  Nucleotide Sequence of the Salmonella typhimurium mutS Gene Required for Mismatch Repair:  Homology of MutS and HexA of Streptococcus pneumoniae. J. Bacteriol. 170:197-202 (1988).
  87. Nohmi, T., Battista, J.R., Dodson, L.A. and Walker, G.C.  RecA-mediated Cleavage Activates UmuD for Mutagenesis:  Mechanistic Relationship Between Transcriptional Derepression and Posttranslational Activation.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85:1816-1820 (1988).
  88. Shevell, D.E., Abou-Zamzam, A.M., Demple, B. and Walker, G.C.  Construction of an Escherichia coli K-12 ada Deletion by Gene Replacement in a recD Strain Reveals a Second Methyltransferase That Repairs Alkylated DNA.  J. Bacteriol.  170:3294-3296 (1988).
  89. Klein, S., Walker, G.C. and Signer, E.R.  All nod Genes of Rhizobium meliloti Are Involved in Alfalfa Nodulation by exo Mutants.  J. Bacteriol.  170:1003-1006 (1988).
  90. Nohmi, T., Battista, J.R. and Walker, G.C.  RecA-Mediated Cleavage Activates UmuD for UV and Chemical Mutagenesis:  In:  DNA Replication and Mutagenesis, (Eds.) R.E. Moses, W.C. Summers, pp 249-354. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C., (1988).
  91. Battista, J.R., Nohmi, T., Donnelly, C.E. and Walker, G.C.  Role of UmuD and UmuC in UV and Chemical Mutagenesis.  In:  “Mechanisms and Consequences of DNA Damage Processing”, (Eds.) E.C. Friedberg, P.C. Hanawalt, pp 455-459, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, (1988).
  92. Battista, J.R., Nohmi, T., Donnelly, C.E. and Walker, G.C.  A New Dimension to SOS Regulation.  In:  “Gene Expression and Regulation:  The Legacy of Luigi Gorini,” (Eds.) M. Bissell, G. Deho, G. Sironi, A. Torriani, pp 41-48 Excerpta Medica, (1988).
  93. Reed, J.W., Glazebrook, J., Long, S., Reuber, T.L., and Walker, G.C.  Analyses of the Role of Exopolysaccharides in Rhizobium  Symbiosis.  In:  “Physiology and Biochemistry of Plant-Microbial Interactions” (Eds.)  N.T. Keen, T. Kosuge, L. Walling, pp. 60-66 American Society of Plant Physiologists, (1988).
  94. Long, S. Reed, J.W., Himawan, J. and Walker, G.C.  Genetic Analysis of a Cluster of Genes Required for the Synthesis of the Calcofluor-binding Exopolysaccharide of Rhizobium meliloti.  J. Bacteriol. 170:4239-4248 (1988).
  95. Doherty, D., Leigh, J.A., Glazebrook, J. and Walker, G.C.  Mutants of Rhizobium meliloti That Overproduce Its Acidic Calcofluor-binding Exopolysaccharide.  J. Bacteriol. 170:4249-4256 (1988).
  96. Long, S., McCune, S., and Walker, G.C.  Symbiotic Loci of Rhizobium meliloti Identified by Random TnphoA Mutagenesis.  J. Bacteriol.  170:4257-4265 (1988).
  97. Shevell, D.E., LeMotte, P.K., and Walker, G.C.  Alteration of the Carboxyl-Terminal Domain of the Ada Protein Influences its Inducibility, Specificity and Strength as a Transcriptional Activator.  J. Bacteriol. 170:5263-5271 (1988).
  98. Reed, J.W., Glazebrook, J., Long, S., Reuber, T.L. and Walker, G.C.  Genetic Analyses of the Role of Exopolysaccharides in Rhizobium Symbiosis.  In:  “Molecular Genetics of Plant-Microbe Interactions 1988, ” (Eds.) R. Palacios and D.P.S. Verma, pp 41-46, APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, (1988).
  99. Glazebrook, J. and Walker, G.C.  A Novel Exopolysaccharide Can Function in Place of the Calcofluor-Binding Exopolysaccharide in Nodulation of Alfalfa by Rhizobium meliloti.  Cell 56:661-672 (1989).
  100. Walker, G.C.  General Principles of DNA Repair in Microorganisms and Implications for Future Research.  In:  “Genetic Susceptibility to Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens, Monograph No. 2, ” (Ed.) Arthur D. Bloom, Lawrence Saptz, and Natalie W. Paul, pp 45-59, March of Dimes Defect Foundation, (1989).
  101. Bukau, B., Donnelly, C.E. and Walker, G.C.  DnaK and GroE Proteins Play Roles in E. coli Metabolism at Low and Intermediate Temperatures as well as at High Temperatures.  In:  “Stress Induced Proteins,” pp. 27-36, Alan R. Liss, Inc. (1989).
  102. Bukau, B. and Walker, G.C.  Cellular Defects Caused by Deletion of the Escherichia coli dnaK Gene Indicate Roles for Heat Shock Protein in Normal Metabolism.  J. Bacteriol.  171:2337-2346 (1989).
  103. Dutreix, M., Moreau, P.L., Bailone, A., Galibert, F., Battista, J.R., Walker, G.C. and Devoret, R.  New recA Mutations That Dissociate the Various RecA Protein Activities in Escherichia coli:  Evidence for an Additional Role for RecA Protein in UV Mutagenesis.  J. Bacteriol.  171:2415-2423 (1989).
  104. Battista, J.R., Nohmi, T., Donnelly, C.E., and Walker, G.C.  Genetic Analyses of Cellular Functions Required for UV Mutagenesis in Escherichia coli.  In:  “Antimutagenesis and Anticarcinogenesis Mechanisms II,” (Eds.)  Yukiaki Kuroda, Delbert M. Shankel, and Michael D. Waters, Plenum Press, New York, New York (1989).
  105. Walker, G.C., Glazebrook, J., Reed, J.W., and Reuber, T.L.  Exopolysaccharides in Rhizobium Nodulation.  In:  AgBiotech 89, pp. 235-245, Conference Management Corporation, Norwalk (1989).
  106. Donnelly, C.E. and Walker, G.C.  groE Mutants of Escherichia coli are Defective in umuDC-Dependent UV Mutagenesis.  J. Bacteriol.  171:6117-6125 (1989).
  107. Mankovich, J.A., McIntyre, C.A. and Walker, G.C.  Nucleotide Sequence of the Salmonella typhimurium mutL Gene Required for Mismatch Repair:  Homology of MutL to HexB of Streptococcus pneumoniae and to PMS1 of the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  J. Bacteriol.  171:5325-5331(1989).
  108. Battista, J.R., Nohmi, T., Donnelly, C.E. and Walker, G.C.  Amino Acid Similarities to Other Proteins Offer Insights Into Roles of UmuD and UmuC In Mutagenesis.  Genome 31:594-596 (1989).
  109. Bukau, B. and Walker, G.C.  DdnaK52 Mutants of Escherichia coli Have Defects in Chromosome Segregation and Plasmid Maintenance at Lower Temperatures.  J. Bacteriol.  171:6030-6038 (1989).
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  215. Sutton, M.D. and G.C. Walker. umuDC-Mediated Cold Sensitivity is a Manifestation of the Functions of the UmuD2C Complex Involved in a DNA Damage Checkpoint. J. Bacteriol. 183: 1215-1224 (2001).
  216. Sutton, M.D., M.F. Farrow, B.M. Burton, and G.C. Walker. Genetic Interactions Between the Escherichia coli umuDC Gene Products and the b Processivity Clamp of the Replicative DNA Polymerase. J. Bacteriol. 183:2897-2909 (2001).
  217. Sutton, M.D. and G.C. Walker. Managing DNA Polymerases: Coordinating DNA Replication, DNA Repair, and DNA Recombination. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98:8342-8349 (2001).
  218. Wang, L.-X., L.G. MeLean, P.H. Seeberger, and G. C. Walker. Biotin Labeling of the Symbiotically Important Succinoglycan Oligosaccharides of Rhizobium meliloti for Identification of Putative Plant Receptors. Carbohydrate Res. 333:73-78 (2001).
  219. Ohmori, H, E.C. Friedberg, R.P.P. Fuchs, M. F. Goodman, F. Hanaoka, D. Hinkle, T. A. Kunkel, C.W. Lawrence, Z. Livneh, T. Nohmi, L. Prakash, S. Prakash, T. Todo, G.C. Walker, Z. Wang, and R. Woodgate. The Y-family of DNA Polymerases. Molec. Cell, 8:7-8 (2001).
  220. Ferentz, A.E., G.C. Walker, and G. Wagner. Converting a DNA Damage Checkpoint Effector (UmuD2C) Into a Lesion Bypass Polymerase. EMBO J., 20:4287-4298 (2001).
  221. Barthel, T.K., J. Zhang, and G.C. Walker. ATPase Defective DnaK Derivatives That Behave Differently With Respect to ATP-induced Conformational Change and Peptide Release. J. Bacteriol.  183:5482-5490 (2001).
  222. LeVier, K. and G.C. Walker. Genetic Analysis of Sinorhizobium meliloti BacA Protein: Differential Effects of Mutations on Phenotypes. J. Bacteriol. 183:6444-6453 (2001).
  223. Lloret, J., L. Barra, G.R. Campbell, G.P. Ferguson, K. LeVier, B.J. Pellock, T.Y. Shcherban, C. Blanco, G. C. Walker. Nodule Invasion and Intracellular Survival by Sinorhizobium meliloti. In Nitrogen Fixation: Global Perspectives. T. Finan, M.R. O’Brian, D.B. Layzell, J.K. Vesseym and W.E. Newton (eds.). CABI Publishing Wallingford, UK, pp 279-283 (2002).
  224. Walker G.C. To Cleave Or Not To Cleave? Insights From the LexA Crystal Structure. Mol. Cell. 8:486-487 (2001).
  225. Smith, B.T., A.D. Grossman, A.D., and G.C. Walker. Visualization of Mismatch Repair in Bacterial Cells. Mol. Cell 8: 1197–1206 (2001).
  226. Smith, B.T., A.D. Grossman, A.D., and G.C. Walker. Localization of UvrA and the Effect of DNA Damage on the Chromosome of Bacillus subtilis.  J. Bacteriol., 184: 488-493 (2002).
  227. Sutton, M.D., A. Guzzo, I. Narumi, M. Costanzo, C. Altenbach, A.E. Ferentz, W.L. Hubbell, and G.C. Walker.  A Model for the Structure of the Escherichia coli SOS-Regulated UmuD2 Protein. DNA Repair, 1: 77-93 (2002).
  228. Beuning, P. J. and G.C. Walker. “Signal Transduction in the SOS Response” in Handbook of Cellular Signaling, Volume 3, A. Fornace, Ed. Chapter 299, pp. 185-189. Elsevier Science, San Diego, CA. (2003). 
  229. Campbell, R.O., B.R. Reuhs, and G.C. Walker. Chronic Intracellular Infection by Sinorhizobium meliloti Requires Correct Lipopolysaccharide. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 6:3938-3943 (2002).
  230. Sutton, M.D., I. Narumi, and G.C Walker.  Posttranslational Modification of the umuD Subunit of Escherichia coli DNA Polymerase V Regulates Its Interactions With the b Clamp of the Replicative DNA Polymerase. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99:5307-5312 (2002).
  231. Pellock, B., M. Teplitski, R. Boiney, W.D. Bauer and G.C. Walker. A LuxR Homolog Controls Production of Symbiotically Active Extracellular Polysaccharide II by Sinorhizobium meliloti. J. Bacteriol. 184:5067-76 (2002).
  232. Ferguson, G.P., R. M. Roop II, and G.C. Walker. Deficiency of a Sinorhizobium meliloti bacA Mutant in Alfalfa Symbiosis Correlates with Alteration of the Cell Envelope. J. Bacteriol. 184:5625-5632 (2002).
  233. Roop II, R.M., G.T. Robertson, G.P. Ferguson, L.E. Milford, M.E. Winkler, and G.C. Walker. Seeking A Niche: Putative Contributions of  The Hfq And BacA Gene Products To The Successful Adaptation of  The Brucellae To Their Intracellular Home. Vet. Microbiol., 90:349-363 (2002).
  234. Campbell, G.O.R, H. Scheidle, L.A. Sharypova, K. M. Jones, K. Niehaus, A. Becker, and G. C. Walker. Striking Complexity of Lipopolysaccharide Defects in a Collection of Sinorhizobium meliloti Mutants. J. Bacteriol. 185:3853-3862 (2003).
  235. Mah, T.-F., B. Pitts, B. Pellock, G. C. Walker, P. S. Stewart, and G. A. O’Toole.  A Genetic Basis for Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Antibiotic Resistance. Nature 426:306-310 (2003).
  236. Barra, L, N. Pica, K. Gouffi, G.C. Walker, C. Blanco, and A. Trautwetter. Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Is Required For Sucrose And Trehalose To Be Efficient Osmoprotectants In Sinorhizobium meliloti. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 229:183-8 (2003).
  237. Godoy, V., P.J. Beuning,., and G.C. Walker. The LexA Regulatory System.  Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry. Volume 2. pp 546-550 (2004).
  238. Duzen, J.M., G.C. Walker, and M. D. Sutton. Identification of Specific Amino Acid Residues in the E. coli b Processivity Clamp Involved In Interactions with DNA Polymerase III, UmuD and UmuD’. DNA Repair (Amst) 3:301-312 (2004).
  239. Ferguson G.P., A. Datta, J. Baumgartner, R.M. Roop II, R. W. Carlson, G. C. Walker. Similarity to Peroxisomal Membrane Protein Family Reveals Sinorhizobium and Brucella BacA Affect Lipid A Fatty Acids. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101:5012-5017 (2004).
  240. Bridges, B.A. and G.C. Walker. Presidential Honor for Evelyn Witkin. DNA Repair (Amst). 4;3(5):453-454 (2004).
  241. Khodor, J., D.G. Halme, and G.C. Walker. A Hierarchical Biology Concept Framework: A Tool for Course Design, Assessment, and Revision. Cell Biol. Educ. 3:111-121 (2004).
  242. Ferguson, G.P., A. Datta, R.W. Carlson, and G.C. Walker. Importance of Unusually Modified Lipid A in Sinorhizobium Stress Resistance and Legume Symbiosis. Mol. Microbiol. 56:68-80 (2005).
  243. Walker, G.C. Lighting Torches in the DNA Repair Field: Development of Key Concepts. Mutat. Res. 577:14-23 (2005)
  244. Halme, D.G., J. Khodor, R. Mitchell, G.C. Walker.  A Small-Scale Concept-Based Laboratory Component: the Best of Both Worlds. Cell Biol. Educ. 3: 111-121 (2006).
  245. Jarosz, D.F., V.G. Godoy, J.C. DeLaney, J.M. Essigmann, and G.C.Walker. A Single Amino Acid Governs Enhanced Activity of DinB DNA Polymerases on Damaged Templates. Nature 439:225-258 (2006).
  246. Beuning, P.J., D. Sawicka, D. Barsky, and G.C. Walker Two Processivity Clamp Interactions Differentially Alter the Dual Activities of UmuC. Mol. Microbiol. 59:460-474 (2006).
  247. Beuning, P.J., V.G. Godoy, S.M. Simon, D.F. Jarosz, and G.C. Walker. Characterization of E. coli Translesion Synthesis Polymerases and Their Accessory Factors. Methods Enzymol. DNA Repair, Part A, 408: 318-340 (2006).
  248. Godoy, V.G., D.F. Jarosz, F.L. Walker, L. A. Simmons, and G.C. Walker. Escherichia coli Y-family DNA Polymerases Respond to DNA Damage-Independent Inhibition of Replication Fork Progression. EMBO J. 25:868-79 (2006).
  249. Campbell, G.R.O., M.E. Taga, K. Mistry, J. Lloret, Peter Anderson, J.R. Roth, and G.C. Walker. Sinorhizobium meliloti bluB Is Necessary for Production of 5,6-Dimethylbenzimidazole, the Lower Ligand of B12. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA. 103:4634-4639 (2006).
  250. Beuning, P.J., S.M. Simon, A. Zemla, D. Barsky, and G.C. Walker. A Non-Cleavable UmuD Variant that Acts as a UmuD’ Mimic. J. Biol. Chem. 281:9633-9640 (2006).
  251. Ferguson, G.P., A. Jansen, V.L. Marlow and G.C. Walker. BacA-Mediated Bleomycin Sensitivity in Sinorhizobium meliloti is Independent of the Unusual Lipid A Modification J. Bacteriol. 188:3143-3148 (2006).
  252. Gibson, K.E., G.R.O. Campbell, J. Lloret and G.C. Walker. The Sinorhizobium meliloti Sensor Kinase CbrA is a Stationary Phase Regulator of Cell-Surface Physiology and Legume Symbiosis. J. Bacteriol. 188:4508-4521 (2006).
  253. Waters, L., and G.C. Walker, Critical Mutagenic Translesion Synthesis DNA Polymerase Rev1 Highly Expressed During G2/M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA. 103:8971-8976 (2006).
  254. Staehelin, C., L.S. Forsberg, W. D’Haeze, M.-Y. Gao, R.W. Carlson, Z.-P. Xie, B.J. Pellock, K.M. Jones, G.C. Walker, W.R. Streit, and W.J. Broughton. Exo-oligosaccharides of Rhizobium sp. NGR234 are Required for Symbiosis with Various Legumes. J Bacteriol. 188:6168-6178 (2006).
  255. Barra, L., C. Fontenelle, G. Ermel, A. Trautwetter, G.C. Walker, and C. Blanco. Interrelations Between Glycine Betaine Catabolism and Methionine Biosynthesis.
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  256. D’Souza, S., and G.C. Walker. Novel Role for the C-Terminus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rev1 in Mediating Protein-Protein Interactions. Mol. Cell. Biol. 26:8173-8182 (2006).
  257. Simmons, L.A., A.D. Grossman and G.C. Walker. Replication is Required for the RecA Localization Response to DNA Damage in Bacillus subtilis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 104:1360-1365 (2007).
  258. Jarosz, D.F., P. J. Beuning, S.E. Cohen, and G.C. Walker. Y-Family DNA Polymerases in Escherichia coli. Trends Microbiol. 15:70-77 (2007).
  259. Parent, M.A.,  R. Goenka, E. Murphy, K. LeVier, N. Carreiro, B. Golding, G. Ferguson, R. Martin. Roop II,  G.C. Walker, and C.L. Baldwin.  Brucella abortus bacA Mutant Induces Greater Pro-inflammatory Cytokines than the Wild-Type Parent Strain. Microbes Infect. 9:55-62 (2007).
  260. Jones, K.M.  J. Lloret , J.R. Daniele, and G.C. Walker.  Characterization of Type IV Secretion System Mutants of Sinorhizobium meliloti strain 1021. J. Bacteriol. 189:2133-2118 (2007).
  261. Davies, B.W. and G.C. Walker. Identification of Novel Sinorhizobium meliloti Mutants Compromised for Oxidative Stress Protection and Symbiosis. J. Bacteriol. 189:2110-2113 (2007).
  262. Davies, B.W. and G.C. Walker. Disruption of sitA Compromises Sinorhizobium meliloti for Manganese-Dependent Oxidative Stress Protection. J. Bacteriol. 189:2101-2109 (2007).
  263. Gibson, K.E., M.J. Barnett, C.J. Toman, S.R. Long, and G.C. Walker. The Symbiosis Regulator CbrA Modulates a Complex Regulatory Network Affecting the Flagellar Apparatus and Cell Envelope Proteins. J. Bacteriol. 189:3591-3602 (2007).
  264. Taga, M.E., N.A Larsen., A.R Howard-Jones, C.T Walsh, and G.C. Walker. BluB Cannibalizes Flavin to Form the Lower Ligand of Vitamin B12. Nature. 446:449-453 (2007).
  265. Neeley, W.L., S. Delaney, Y.O. Alekseyev, D.F. Jarosz, J.C. Delaney, G.C. Walker, and J.M. Essigmann. DNA Polymerase V Allows Bypass of Toxic Guanine Oxidation Products in vivo. J. Biol. Chem. 282:12741-12748 (2007).
  266. Jarosz, D.F., V.G. Godoy, and G.C. Walker. Proficient and Accurate Bypass of Persistent DNA Lesions by DinB DNA Polymerases. Cell Cycle. 6:817-22 (2007).
  267. Jones, K.M.  H. Kobayashi, B.W. Davies, M.E. Taga, and G.C. Walker. Intracellular Symbiosis by Rhizobial Bacteria: Invasion and Endocytosis. Nature Rev. Microbiol. 5:619-633 (2007).
  268. Godoy, V.G.  D.F. Jarosz, S.M. Simon, A. Abyzov,. V. Ilyin and G.C. Walker.. The Mutagenic Potential of DinB is Modulated by UmuD and RecA. Mol Cell. 28:1058-70 (2007).       
  269. Kobayashi, H., L.A. Simmons, D.S. Yuan, W.J. Broughton and G.C. Walker. Multiple Ku orthologs Mediate DNA Non-Homologous End-joining in the Free-living Form and During Chronic Infection of Sinorhizobium meliloti. Mol. Microbiol. 67:350–363 (2008).
  270. Davies, B.W. and G.C. Walker. A Highly Conserved Protein of Unknown Function Plays an Essential Role for Sinorhizobium meliloti in Symbiosis and Environmental Stress Protection. J. Bacteriol. 190:1118-1123 (2008).
  271. Taga, M.E.  and G.C. Walker. Pseudo-B12 Joins the Cofactor Family. J. Bacteriol. 190:1157-1159 (2008).
  272. Jones, K.M.,  N. Sharapova, D.P. Lohar, J.Q. Zhang, K.A.. VandenBosch, and G.C. Walker. Differential Response of the Plant Medicago truncatula to its Symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti or an Exopolysaccharide-Deficient Mutant. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.105:704-709 (2008).
  273. Simon, S.M., F. J. R. Sousa, R. Mohana-Borges, G.C. Walker. Regulation of E. coli SOS Mutagenesis by Dimeric Intrinsically Disordered umuD Gene Products. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.105:1152-1157 (2008).
  274. Simmons, L.A., B.W. Davies, A.D. Grossman,  and G.C. Walker. b-Clamp Directs Localization of Mismatch Repair in Bacillus subtilis. Mol. Cell 29:291-301 (2008).
  275. Kosarek, J.N., R.V. Woodruff, A. Rivera-Begeman, C. Guo, S. D’Souza, E.V. Koonin,  G.C. Walker, and Errol C. Friedberg. Comparative Analysis of in vivo Interactions Between Rev1 Protein and Other Y-Family DNA Polymerases in Animals and Yeasts. DNA Repair (Amst). 7:439-451 (2008).
  276. Wassem, R., H. Kobayashi,  K. Kambara, A. Le Quéré, G.C. Walker, W.J. Broughton, and W.J. Deakin. TtsI Regulates Symbiotic Genes in Rhizobium species NGR234 by Binding to tts-Boxes. Mol. Microbiol. 68:736–748 (2008).
  277. D’Souza, S., L.S. Waters, and G.C. Walker Novel Conserved Motifs in Rev1 C-Terminus are Required for Mutagenic DNA Damage Tolerance. DNA Repair (Amst). 7:1455-70 (2008).
  278. Simmons, L.A., J.J. Foti, S.E. Cohen, and G.C. Walker. The SOS Regulatory Network, In EcoSal: Escherichia coli and Salmonella: Cellular and Molecular Biology. (Eds.) Böck, A., R. Curtiss III, J.B. Kaper, P.D. Karp, F.C. Neidhardt, T. Nyström, J.M. Slauch, and C.L. Squires. ASM Press, Washington, D.C.
  279. Jones, K.M. and G.C. Walker. Responses of the Model Legume Medicago truncatula to the Rhizobial Exopolysaccharide Succinoglycan. Plant Signaling & Behavior 3: 888-890 (2008).
  280. Simmons, L.A., A.D. Grossman and G.C. Walker. Clp and Lon proteases occupy distinct subcellular positions in Bacillus subtilis. J. Bacteriol. 190:6758-6768 (2008).
  281. Gibson, K.E., H. Kobayashi, and G.C. Walker. Molecular Determinants of a Symbiotic Chronic Infection. Annu. Rev. Genetics 42:413-441 (2008).
  282. Domenech, P., H. Kobayashi, K. Le Vier, G.C. Walker,  and C.E. Barry III. BacA: an ABC transporter Involved in Maintenance of Chronic Murine Infections with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Bacteriol. 191:477-85 (2009).
  283. Cohen, S.E., V.G. Godoy, and G.C. Walker. Transcriptional Modulator NusA Interacts with Translesion DNA Polymerases in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 191:665-72 (2009).
  284. Simmons, L.A., A.I. Goranov, H. Kobayashi, B.W. Davies, D.S. Yuan, A.D. Grossman,, and G.C. Walker. A Comparison of Responses to Double-strand Breaks Between Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis reveals different requirements for SOS induction. J. Bacteriol. 191:1152-61 (2009).
  285. Foti, J.J.,  L.A. Simmons, P.J. Beuning, and G.C. Walker. Signal Transduction in the Escherichia coli SOS Response.” in Handbook of Cellular Signaling, Volume 3, A. Fornace and M. Karin, Eds.. Elsevier Science, San Diego, CA. Handbook of Cell Signaling. Volume 3, second edition, Chapter 258, pp. 2127-2136. Elsevier Science (2009).
  286. Marlow, V.L., A.F. Haag, H. Kobayashi, V. Fletcher, M. Scocchi, G.C. Walker, and G.P. Ferguson. Essential role for the BacA Protein in the Uptake of a Truncated Eukaryotic Peptide in Sinorhizobium meliloti. J. Bacteriol. 191:1519-1527 (2009).
  287. Waters, L.S., B.K. Minesinger, M.E. Wiltrout, S. D’Souza, R.V. Woodruff, and G.C. Walker. Eukaryotic Translesion Polymerases: Roles and Regulation in DNA Damage Tolerance. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 73: 134–154 (2009).
  288. Shurtleff, B.W., J.N. Ollivierre, M. Tehrani G.C. Walker, P.J. Beuning. Steric Gate Variants of UmuC Confer UV Hypersensitivity on E. coli. J. Bacteriol. 191:4815-23 (2009).
  289. Kobayashi, H.,  N.J. De Nisco, P. Chien, L.A. Simmons, and G.C. Walker. Sinorhizobium meliloti CpdR1 is Critical for Coordinating Cell-Cycle Progression and the Symbiotic Chronic Infection. Mol. Microbiol. 73:586-600 (2009).
  290. Beuning, P.J., S. Chan, L.S. Waters, H. Addepalli, J.N. Ollivierre, and G.C. Walker. Characterization of Novel Alleles of the E. coli umuDC genes Identifies Additional Interaction Sites of UmuC with the Beta Clamp. J. Bacteriol. 191: 5910–5920 (2009).
  291. Jarosz, D.F., S.E. Cohen, J.C. Delaney, J.M. Essigmann, and G.C. Walker. DinB Variant Reveals Diverse Physiological Consequences of Incomplete TLS Extension by a Y-Family DNA Polymerase. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106:21137-21142 (2009).
  292. Davies, B.W., M.A. Kohanski, L.A. Simmons, J.A. Winkler, J.J. Collins, and G.C. Walker. Hydroxyurea Induces Hydroxyl Radical-mediated Cell Death in Escherichia coli. Mol. Cell 36:845-60 (2009).
  293. Cohen, S.E. and G.C. Walker. The Transcription Elongation Factor NusA is Required for Stress-induced Mutagenesis in Escherichia coli. Curr. Biol. 20: 80–85 (2010).
  294. Bomar, M.G., S. D’Souza, M. Bienko, I. Dikic, G.C Walker, and P. Zhou. Unconventional Ubiquitin Recognition by the Ubiquitin-Binding Motif within the Y-Family DNA Polymerases iota and Rev1. Mol. Cell 37:408-417 (2010).
  295. Barra-Bily, L., S.P. Pandey, A. Trautwetter, C. Blanco, and G.C. Walker. The Sinorhizobium meliloti RNA chaperone Hfq Mediates Symbiosis of S. meliloti and alfalfa. J. Bacteriol.192:1710-1718 (2010).
  296. Barra-Bily, L., C. Fontenelle, G. Jan, M. Flechard, A. Trautwetter, S.P. Pandey, G.C. Walker, and C. Blanco. Proteomic Alterations Explain Phenotypic Changes in Sinorhizobium meliloti Lacking the RNA Chaperone Hfq. J Bacteriol. 192:1719-29 (2010).   
  297. Foti J.J. and G.C. Walker. SnapShot: DNA polymerases I prokaryotes. Cell. 141:192-192 (2010).
  298. Foti J.J. and G.C. Walker. SnapShot: DNA polymerases II mammals. Cell 141:370-370 (2010).
  299. Pillon, M.C., J.J. Lorenowicz, M. Uckelmann, A.D. Klocko, R.R. Mitchell, Y.S. Chung, P. Modrich, G.C. Walker, L.A. Simmons, P. Friedhoff, and A. Guarné. Structure of the Endonuclease Domain of MutL: Unlicensed to Cut. Mol. Cell. 39:145-51 (2010).
  300. Foti, J.J., A.M. DeLucia, C.M. Joyce, and G.C. Walker. A Non-Covalent Step In the Escherichia coli DinB Template Slippage Pathway Is Inhibited By UmuD2. J. Biol. Chem. 285:23086-95 (2010).
  301. Cohen, S.E, C.A. Lewis, R.A. Mooney, M.A. Kohanski, J.J. Collins, R. Landick and G.C. Walker. Roles for the Transcription Elongation Factor NusA in Both DNA Repair and Damage Tolerance Pathways in Escherichia coli. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 107:15517-15522 (2010).
  302. Woodruff, R.V., M.G. Bomar, S. D’Souza, P. Zhou,  G.C. Walker. The Unusual UBZ Domain of S. cerevisiae Polymerase h DNA Repair (Amst). 9: 1130–1141 (2010).
  303. Taga, M.E.  and G.C. Walker. Sinorhizobium meliloti Requires a Cobalamin-Dependent Ribonucleotide Reductase for Symbiosis with its Plant Host. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 23:1643-1654 (2010).
  304. Davies, B.W., C. Köhrer, A.I. Jacob, L.A. Simmons, J. Zhu, L.M. Aleman, U.L. RajBhandary, and G.C. Walker. Role of Escherichia coli YbeY, a Highly Conserved Protein, in rRNA Processing. Mol. Microbiol. 78:506-518 (2010).
  305. Doles, J., T.G Oliver, G. Hsu, T. Jacks, G.C. Walker, and M.T Hemann, Rev3 Suppression Sensitizes Drug Resistant Lung Tumors to Chemotherapy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107:20786-20791 (2010).
  306. Xie, K., J. Doles, M.T. Hemann, and G.C. Walker. Error-Prone Translesion Synthesis Mediates Acquired Chemoresistance. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107:20792-20797 (2010).
  307. Wiltrout, M.E. and G.C. Walker. The DNA Polymerase Activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rev1 is Biologically Significant. Genetics. 187:21-35 (2011).
  308. Anderson, W.A., U. Banerjee, C.L Drennan, S.C.R, Elgin, I.R. Epstein, J. Handelsman, G.F. Hatfull, R. Losick, D.K O’Dowd, B.M. Olivera, S.A. Strobel, G.C. Walker, I.M. Warner. Changing the Culture of Science Education at Research Universities. Science. 331:152-153 (2011).
  309. Wiltrout, M.E and G.C. Walker. Proteasomal Regulation of the Mutagenic Translesion DNA Polymerase, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rev1. DNA Repair (Amst). 10: 169-175 (2011).
  310. Cohen, S.E. and G.C. Walker.  New Discoveries Linking Transcription to DNA Repair and Damage Tolerance Pathways. Transcription. 2:37-40 (2011).
  311. Pandey, S.P., B.K. Minesinger, and G.C. Walker. A Highly Conserved Protein of Unknown Function in Sinorhizobium meliloti Affects sRNA Regulation Similar To Hfq. Nucleic Acids Res. 39:4691-4708 (2011).
  312. Ardissone, S., H. Kobayashi, K. Kambara, C. Rummel, K. D. Noel, G.C. Walker, W.J. Broughton, and W.J. Deakin. Role of BacA in lipopolysaccharide synthesis, peptide transport and nodulation by Rhizobium sp. NGR234. J. Bacteriol. 193(9):2218-2228 (2011).
  313. Foti, J.J., and G.C. Walker. Efficient Extension of Slipped DNA Intermediates by DinB (Pol IV) is Required to Escape Primer Template Realignment by DnaQ. J. Bacteriol. 193:2637-2641 (2011).
  314. Modi, S.R., D.M. Camacho, M.A. Kohanski, G.C. Walker, and  J.J. Collins. Functional Characterization of Bacterial sRNAs Using a Network Biology Approach. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci U.SA. 108:15522-15527 (2011).
  315. Anderson, W.A., R.M. Amasino, M. Ares Jr, U. Banerjee, B. Bartel, V.G. Corces, C.L. Drennan, S.C. Elgin, I.R. Epstein, E. Fanning, L.J. Guillette Jr, J. Handelsman, G.F. Hatfull, R.R. Hoy, D. Kelley, L.A. Leinwand, R. Losick, Y. Lu, D.G. Lynn, C. Neuhauser, D.K. O’Dowd, T. Olivera, P. Pevzner, R.R. Richards-Kortum, J. Rine, R.L. Sah, S.A. Strobel, G.C. Walker, D.R. Walt, I.M Warner, S. Wessler, H.F. Willard, R.N. Zare. Competencies: a Cure for Pre-med Curriculum. Science. 334:760-761 (2011).
  316. Foti, J.J., B. Devadoss, J. A. Winkler, J.J. Collins, and G.C.Walker. Oxidation of the Guanine Nucleotide Pool Underlies Cell Death by Bactericidal Antibiotics. Science. 336:315-319 (2012).
  317. Yu, T.-Y., K.C Mok, K.J. Kennedy, J. Valton, K.S. Anderson, G.C. Walker, and M.E. Taga. Active site residues critical for flavin binding and 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole biosynthesis in the flavin destructase enzyme BluB. Protein Sci. 21:839-849 (2012).
  318. Wojtaszek, J., J. Liu, S. D’Souza, S. Wang, Y. Xue, G.C. Walker, P. Zhou. Multifaceted Recognition of Vertebrate Rev1 by Translesion Polymerases z and k. J. Biol. Chem. 287:26400-26408. (2012).
  319. Pozhidaeva, A., Y. Pustovalova, S. D’Souza, I. Bezsonova, G.C. Walker, and D.M. Korzhnev. NMR Structure and Dynamics of the C-terminal Domain from Human Rev1 and its Complex with DNA Polymerase η. Biochemistry. 51:5506-5520 (2012).
  320. Wojtaszek, J., C.-J. Lee, S. D’Souza, B. Minesinger, H. Kim, A.D. D’Andrea, G.C. Walker, and P. Zhou. Structural basis of Rev1-mediated assembly of a quaternary vertebrate translesion polymerase complex consisting of Rev1, heterodimeric Pol z and Pol k. J. Biol. Chem. 287:33836-33846 (2012).
  321. Jacob, A.I., C. Köhrer, B.W. Davies, U.L.  RajBhandary, and G.C. Walker. Conserved Bacterial RNase YbeY Plays Key Roles in 70S Ribosome Quality Control and 16S rRNA Maturation. Mol. Cell. 49:427-438 (2013).
  322. Pini, F., B. Frage, L. Ferri, N.J. De Nisco, S.S. Mohapatra, L. Taddei, A. Fioravanti, F. Dewitte, M. Galardini, M. Brilli, V. Villeret, M. Bazzicalupo, A. Mengoni, G.C. Walker, A. Becker. and E. G. Biondi. The essential DivJ/CbrA kinase and PleC phosphatase system controls DivK phosphorylation and symbiosis in Sinorhizobium meliloti. Mol. Microbiol. 90:54-71 (2013).
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  324. Xu, X., K. Xie, X.-Q. Zhang, E.M. Pridgen, G.Y. Parke, D.S. Cuia, J. Shia, J. Wu, P.W. Kantoff, S.J. Lippard, R. Langer, G.C. Walker, and O.C. Farokhzad. Enhancing Tumor Cells Response to Chemotherapy through Nanoparticle-Mediated Co-delivery of siRNA and Cisplatin Prodrug. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.SA. 110:18638-18643 (2013).
  325. Arnold, M.F.F., P. Caro-Hernandez, Karen Tan, G. Runti, S. Wehmeier, M. Scocchi, W.T. Doerrler, G.C. Walker, and G.P. Ferguson.. Enteric YaiW Is a Surface Exposed Outer Membrane Lipoprotein that Affects Sensitivity to an Antimicrobial Peptide. J. Bacteriol. 196:436-444 (2014).
  326. Opperman, T.J., S.M. Kwasny, H.-S, Kim, S. Nguyen,, C. Houseweart, S. D’Souza, G.C. Walker, N.P. Peet, H. Nikaido, and T.L. Bowlin. Characterization of a Novel Pyranopyridine Inhibitor of the AcrAB Efflux Pump of Escherichia coli. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 58:722-733 (2014).
  327. De Nisco, N.J., R.P. Abo, C.M. Wu, J. Penterman, and G.C. Walker. Global Analysis of Cell Cycle Gene Expression of the Legume Symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.SA. 111:3217-3224 (2014).
  328. Penterman, J., R.P. Abo, N.J. De Nisco, M.F. F. Arnold, R. Longhi, M. Zanda, and G. C. Walker. Host Plant Peptides Elicit a Transcriptional Response to Control the Sinorhizobium meliloti Cell Cycle During Symbiosis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.SA. 111:3561-3566 (2014).
  329. Pandey, S.P., J.A. Winkler, H. Li, D. M. Camacho, J.J. Collins, and G.C. Walker. Central Role for RNase YbeY in Hfq-Dependent and Hfq-Independent Small-RNA Regulation in Bacteria. BMC Genomics 15:121 (2014).
  330. Dwyer, D.J., P. Belenky, J.H. Yang, I.C. MacDonald, J.D. Martell, N. Takahashi, C.T.Y. Chan, M.A. Lobritz, D. Braff, E.G. Schwarz, J.D. Ye, M. Pati, M. Vercruysse, P.S. Ralifo, K.R. Allison, A.S. Khalil, A.Y. Ting, G.C. Walker, and J.J. Collins. Antibiotics induce redox-related physiological alterations as part of their lethality. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.SA. 111:2100-2109 (2014).
  331. Shrivastav, N., B.I. Fedeles, D. Li, J.C. Delaney, L.E. Frick, J.J. Foti, G.C Walker, J.M. Essigmann . A Chemical Genetics Analysis of the Roles of Bypass Polymerase DinB and DNA Repair Protein AlkB in Processing N2-Alkylguanine Lesions In Vivo. PLoS One. 9: e94716 (2014).
  332. Vercruysse, M., C. Köhrer, B.W. Davies, M.F.F. Arnold, J.J. Mekalanos, U.L. RajBhandary, G.C. Walker. The Highly Conserved Bacterial RNase YbeY is Essential in Vibrio cholerae, Playing a Critical Role in Virulence, Stress Regulation, and RNA Processing. PLoS Pathogens. 10:e1004 (2014).
  333. Kath, J.E., S. Jergic, J.M.H. Heltzel, D.T. Jacob, N.E. Dixon, M.D. Sutton, G.C. Walker, and J.J. Loparo. Polymerase Exchange on Single DNA Molecules Reveals Processivity Clamp Control of Translesion Synthesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111:7647-52 (2014).
  334. Penterman. J., P.K. Singh, and G.C. Walker.  Biological Cost of Pyocin Production During the SOS response in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J. Bacteriol. 196:3351-3359 (2014).
  335. Dwyer, D.J., J.J. Collins, and G.C. Walker. Unraveling the Physiological Complexities of Antibiotic Lethality. Ann. Rev. Pharmacol. & Toxicol. 55:313-32 (2015).
  336. Pini, F., N.J. De Nisco, L. Ferri, J. Penterman, A. Fioravanti, M. Brilli, A. Mengoni,  M. Bazzicalupo, P.H. Viollier, G.C. Walker; E.G. Biondi. Wiring the Network: Cell Cycle Control by the Master Regulator CtrA in a Symbiotic Bacterium. PLoS Genetics. 15:11(5):e1005232 (2015).
  337. Price, P.A., H.R. Tanner, B.A. Dillon, M. Shabab , G.C. Walker, J.S. Griffitts.  A Rhizobial Peptidase Cleaves Host Peptides. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112:15244-15249 (2015).
  338. Belenky, P., J.D. Ye, C.B.M. Porter, N.R. Cohen, M.A. Lobritz, T. Ferrante, S. Jain, B.J. Korry, E.G. Schwarz, G.C. Walker and J.J. Collins. Bactericidal Antibiotics Induce Toxic Metabolic Perturbations that Lead to Cellular Damage. Cell Reports. 3:13:968-980. (2015).
  339. D’Souza, S., K. Yamanaka, and G. C. Walker. Non Mutagenic and Mutagenic DNA Damage Tolerance. Cell Cycle. 15:314-315 (2016).
  340. Pustovalova, Y., M.T.Q. Magalhães, S. D’Souza, A.A. Rizzo, G. Korza, G.C. Walker, and D. M. Korzhnev. Interaction between the Rev1 C-terminal Domain and the PolD3 Subunit of Polζ Suggests a Mechanism of Polymerase Exchange upon Rev1/Polζ-Dependent Translesion Synthesis. Biochemistry. 55:2043-2053 (2016).
  341. Shabab, M.  M.F.F. Arnold, J. Penterman, A.J. Wommack, H.T. Bocker, P.A. Price, J.S. Griffitts, E.M. Nolan, and G.C. Walker. Disulfide Crosslinking Influences Symbiotic Activities of Nodule Peptide NCR247. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113:10157-10162 (2016).
  342. Vercruysse, M., C. Köhrer, Y. Shen, S. Proulx, A. Ghosal, B. W. Davies, U.L. RajBhandary, G.C. Walker. Identification of YbeY-Protein Interactions Involved in 16S rRNA Maturation and Stress Regulation in Escherichia coli. MBio. 8;7(6). pii: e01785-16 (2016).
  343. Ghosal, A., C. Köhrer, V.M.P. Babu, K. Yamanaka, B.W. Davies, A.I. Jacob, D.J. Ferullo, C.C. Gruber, M. Vercruysse and G.C. Walker. C21orf57 is a human homologue of bacterial YbeY proteins. Biochem. Biophys. Research Commun. 484:612-617 (2017).
  344. Chatterjee, N. and G.C. Walker. Mechanisms of DNA damage, repair and mutagenesis. Environ. Mol. Mutagenesis. In press.
  345. Sail, V., A.A. Rizzo, N. Chatterjee, R.C. Dash, Z. Ozen, G.C. Walker, D.M. Korzhnev, and M.K. Hadden. Identification of small molecule translesion synthesis inhibitors that target the Rev1-CT/RIR protein-protein interaction. Submitted.
  346. Yamanaka, K., N. Chatterjee, M.T. Hemann, and G.C. Walker. Inhibition of mutagenic translesion synthesis: A possible strategy for improving chemotherapy? PLoS Genetics. 13(8): e1006842  (2017).
  347. Arnold, M.F.F., M. Shabab, J. Penterman, K.L. Boehme, J.S. Griffitts and, G.C. Walker. Genome-wide sensitivity analysis of the microsymbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti to symbiotically important, defensin-like host peptides. MBio. 8(4). pii: e01060-17 (2017).
  348. Takahashi, N., C.C. Gruber, J.H. Yang, X. Liu, D. Braff, C. Yashaswinia, S. Bhubhanil, Y. Furuta, S. Andreescu, J.J. Collins, and G.C. Walker. Lethality of MalE-LacZ hybrid protein shares mechanistic attributes with oxidative component of antibiotic lethality. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A 114: 9164-9169 (2017).
  349. diCenzo, G.C., A. Benedict, M. Fondi, G.C Walker, T.M Finan, A. Mengoni, J.S. Griffitts. Robustness encoded across essential and accessory replicons in an ecologically versatile bacterium. PLoS Genetics 19;14(4):e1007357 (2018).
  350. Budnick, J.A.,  L.M. Sheehan, J.M. Colquhoun, P.M. Dunman, G.C. Walker, R.M. Roop II, and C.C. Caswell. The endoribonuclease YbeY is linked to proper cellular morphology and virulence in Brucella abortus. J. Bacteriol. In press (2018).
  351.  Arnold, M.F.F, J. Penterman, M. Shabab, E. Chen, G.C. Walker, Important late stage symbiotic role of Sinorhizobium meliloti exopolysaccharides. J. Bacteriol. In press (2018).


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